
Original Hand Printed Letterpress Artworks by Russell Frost

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Never to late to skate or die


Never to late to skate or die


Partially autobiographical, teaching my daughter to skate is the perfect opportunity to dust off an old deck and stretch a muscle or two....much to the amusement of my wife and neighbours.


Edition of 100

Printed with a variety of old woodtype (London Underground font for the wheels (Johnston Sans)), Wide Latin inverted A's for the trucks, raised and bent lead rule for the deck.  400x300mm Printed on recycled stock (270gsm), Vansons Black ink.

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Partially autobiographical, teaching my daughter to skate is the perfect opportunity to dust off an old deck and stretch a muscle or two....much to the amusement of my wife and neighbours.


Edition of 100

Printed with a variety of old woodtype (London Underground font for the wheels (Johnston Sans)), Wide Latin inverted A's for the trucks, raised and bent lead rule for the deck.  400x300mm Printed on recycled stock (270gsm), Vansons Black ink.